Continue talking

AP: How did you manage to do it?
B: That was not a big achievement at all.
B: We just walked forward and looked around to see if there is anything interesting.
B: We noticed the building. It was interesting enough. That's all.
AP: You said "we". Who was with you?
B: A friend who visited me while she was going to the city.
AP: Ok.
AP: Tell this to me please,
AP: what event took place
AP: which caused you to want to go to this place right now?
B: Coincidence.
B: I received a file
B: through Coincidence
B: It said something about an object generator being close to my home.
B: So I thought to myself
B: That I can actually go and check out this place.
B: (even though I have been there before)
B: So I took my bike and came here.
B: And found this base.

When you read your own words
the story seems very strange indeed.
You're still wondering a bit about the object generator.


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"BSTA" by Balthasar Szczepański
Online interface v1.2.8 © Balthasar Szczepański; AGPL 3 license
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